Salutations! I am 237 moons old and this is my personal web-site. I coded it myself using Hypertext Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript. I formed this web-site for the purpose of sharing my interests and personal hobbies, as well as to form a sense of community.

About Me

For my 156th moon, I was gifted a personal computer. I soon became enamoured with the device and its many capabilities. I first discovered its built-in games - Go Fish, Claw Machine, and Crosswords were some of my personal favourites. However, I soon became fixated on another program - the internet browser.

Whenever I could, I borrowed my house's phone to use the dial-up internet system. It wasn't often - my aunt used it very often for work, but I was still on occasion able to. When I did have access, I browsed personal web-sites on the early web, which led me to creating some of my own. I've been routinely updating some web-site since my 160th moon, and I hope I never have to halt myself.

Sections of This Web-site

  1. Home
  2. Blog
  3. Collections
  4. Guestbook